SVR.JS development on holdWe're focusing on Ferron, a high-performance, memory-safe web server written in Rust.
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We have discovered security vulnerabilites in those SVR.JS mods. Fortunately we have patched those mods. But it's recommended to u...
Published on: August 15, 2023
We have recently added support for PHP-CGI and SCGI. We have implemented JSGI in SVR.JS through new YellowSquare mod. We have more...
Published on: August 11, 2023
We have previously made SVR.JS run PHP-CGI and WordPress. Now SVR.JS - a web server software running on Node.JS can connect to SCG...
SVR.JS - a web server software running on Node.JS can now run PHP through PHP-CGI and RedBrick mod.
Published on: August 2, 2023
We have launched our SVR.JS git server!
Published on: July 29, 2023
SVR.JS 3.4.x will be last of supported SVR.JS versions for Node.JS 8.x and 9.x. If you are using these versions of Node.JS you wi...
Published on: July 16, 2023