SVR.JS commands
SVR.JS comes with a console interface that provides several built-in commands for managing the server and interacting with it.
Available commands:
- close - Closes the server. This command will gracefully shut down the server, closing all connections and resources.
- open - Opens the server. This command allows you to start the server if it was previously closed.
- help - Displays the list of available commands. Use this command to get a quick overview of all the commands supported by the server console.
- mods - Displays the list of mods. SVR.JS supports modularity. This command will show you the currently installed mods.
- stop - Stops the server process. This command will terminate the SVR.JS server entirely.
- clear - Clears the current page of the terminal. This command helps to clean up the terminal interface.
- block <blocked> - Adds an IP address or a domain to the server’s block list. Blocked clients will be denied access to the server.
- unblock <blocked> - Removes an IP address or a domain from the server’s block list. Unblocked clients can access the server normally.
- restart - Restarts SVR.JS workers. This command will restart the server’s worker processes, allowing for a fresh start of worker instances. (SVR.JS 3.0.0 or newer)
These commands provide an easy and convenient way to manage and control the SVR.JS server directly from the console.