Exploring The Book of ZSOiE...

Exploring The Book of ZSOiE...

Published on: July 6, 2023

The Book of ZSOiE

The Book of ZSOiE

The Book of ZSOiE reflects what students at ZSOiE (or rather its CyberSkiller Challenge Poland participants) has done, and also history of SVR.JS 3.x release.

In this quote shown in the picture, one of three CyberSkiller Challenge Poland participants used SVR.JS (more specifically SVR.JS 3.0.0-beta4) along with Node.JS to solve some challenges. Two other participants has helped him.

You can visit ZSOiE article here (it's in Polish!). You can access The Book of ZSOiE by going to /zsoiebook.svr in web server running SVR.JS. SVR.JS even hosts The Book of ZSOiE here! SVR.JS website no longer hosts "The Book of ZSOiE".